
  • Business

    Sakif Shamim Person of the Year

    Bangladesh-based healthcare leader Sakif Shamim got featured in magazine in one of their latest print edition as Person of the Year. Mr. Sakif Shamim, the Managing Director of Labaid Cancer Hospital & Super Speciality Centre in Bangladesh is a man on a mission. His dedication to improving healthcare services in Bangladesh has earned him a reputation as one of…

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  • Business

    Two unstoppable Indians are changing the world

    Two UK-based Indian Investors Biswanath Patnaik and Arun Kar got featured in magazine in one of their latest print editions. These two Indians made it to the cover page of the Forbes International Magazine brand. Founded by Global Indian investor, Mr Biswanath Patnaik and UK-based Indian entrepreneur, Arun Kar, FINNEST is an early-stage Private Equity investment firm that invests…

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